2024 was VERY difficult for us (and even traumatic for many), there's no denying it! I lost my best friend, got into a lot of silly fights and got mentally exhausted... MANY times. I imagine many of you did too. But, even so, it was a year in which I was able to have contact, talk, and love you all again.
It may be that next year we won't even be alive anymore, since it's quite possible that a Third World War will happen, and the planet's resources will be completely exhausted. But, even so, I know that you are incredible, hard-working people who will be the best versions of yourselves, as far as possible.
Let's all leave behind the nonsense that doesn't belong to us and embrace this new year with hope and determination. The world is already fucked up enough. If I ever fail to change the world with my art, I want to at least have had the chance to change the lives of all of you, friends, followers, moots... If I haven't managed to do so before, I feel that the time is now.
I hope that each day of this year is an opportunity to be better, achieve our dreams and spread lots of love and laughter around us. Thank you for being part of my journey in 2024. Let's do our best to make 2025 much better, to be incredible!
With love,
DuckMin :3